Saturday, May 16, 2009


I do enjoy the odd awkward moment or picture so couldn't resist this one that Ryanne pointed out last weekend.

As part of Mother's Day we offered free family portrait pictures at various locations around the church campus. There was one in front of the waterfall, one by the baptismal, one in front of the palm trees and then there was this one... We have a multi-million dollar building on a landscaped campus and this was the best backdrop we could up with? An awkward pose just seemed appropriate!

So...another car post.

This week my car reached a has driven over 250000 miles! It was such a poignant moment I had to pull over and take a picture! and just in case it was hard to read from that distance here's another...
I think this is pretty impressive, especially as it one point I wasn't sure that it would get that far!