For those that don't know, I have the best host family in world. They recently asked me to write a Christmas list which is something I have never done before. I don't even know where to begin. Is there some kind of list etiquette that I don't know about? Can I put things like
this on it? How specific does it need to be?
While I think on this for a while here's someone else's Christmas list that I enjoyed...

My favoUrite part is "
a panda bear that was just born yesterday"!!
Oh man, I LOVE the Svensons!
I can help you figure out what's appropriate to put on that list this weekend...
As a rule, I would say each item should be somewhere around $20. That way the family can decide how much they want to spend and then buy you that amount made up in increments.
I also, typically, put some really cheap stuff (my favorite brand of gum, deodorant, cereal) for smaller gifts and stocking stuffers...and then some really big gifts (a 5 bedroom house was two years ago), just for fun and in case they are feeling crazy, I'd say, if you have enough cheap stuff on the list...yes, add the expensive too.
Don't listen to the Hib ... ask for a hooker.
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